Green & Black’s Ultimate Chocolate Recipes
If you’re looking to wow your guests this Christmas but need a little inspiration, then look no further than Green & Black's Ultimate Chocolate Recipes Cookbook. It's bursting with fun and easy to follow recipe ideas from some of our favourite chefs, celebrities and eateries and makes the perfect Christmas gift for all those chocolate addicts out there. But why not try before you buy with these three delicious recipes for festive sweet treats. . .
Edited by Green & Black's Head of Taste Micah Carr-Hill. Available from all good bookstores, £16.99. To discover more about Green & Black's, visit www.greenandblacksdirect.com
Jane’s Christmas Pudding
Recipe and Image Green & Black’s Ultimate Chocolate Recipes Cookbook This recipe makes about four x 2-pint pudding basins, but just split into whatever bowl size you like and adjust the steaming time. PrintJane’s Christmas Pudding Ingredients1kg dried fruit (use more currants than others to make dark but you can make up the total as […]