Family Food Magazine
real good family food
  • Coffee Yule Log


    Coffee Yule LogRecipe and Image Douwe Egberts (

    A festive favourite with a grown up twist.

    Coffee Yule Log

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 20 minutes

    Serving Size: 8 to 10


    • 175g dark plain chocolate 70% cocoa solids
    • 150ml hot water with 2 tbsp Douwe Egberts Pure Gold coffee dissolved in the water
    • 6 medium eggs, separated
    • 175g golden caster sugar
    • For the filling:
    • 300ml double cream
    • 2-3tsp caster sugar
    • 1 tsp Douwe Egberts Pure Gold coffee dissolved in 3 tsp hot water
    • To Decorate:
    • A little sifted icing sugar
    • A few holly leaves
    • A few fresh raspberries or soft seasonal fruit


    1. Grease and line a 38 x 28 cm Swiss roll tin with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4
    2. Melt the chocolate with the coffee water in a small heatproof dish over a pan of hot water. Stir until smooth.
    3. Whisk up the egg yolks and sugar together with an electric whisk until pale, thick and trebled in volume. Beat in the melted chocolate.
    4. In a grease free bowl whisk up the egg whites until they hold soft peaks. Stir in a third of the egg white into the chocolate mixture to loosen it. With a spatula gently fold in the egg white until everything is evenly mixed.
    5. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until springy to the touch.
    6. Cover the cooked roulade with a clean damp cloth and leave until cold. Once cold cover with cling film and leave for 6 hours. Meanwhile, whisk the cream with the sugar and coffee until the cream just holds its shape. Don't over whisk.
    7. Lightly dust a large sheet of parchment paper with sifted icing sugar. Remove the cling film and turn out on to the sugared paper. Trim the edges of the roulade and spoon and spread over the cream mixture and roll it up starting from the long side on. Use the sugared paper to help you.
    8. It will form cracks don't worry. Decorate with raspberries if liked.
    9. Decorate with holly and serve in slices.

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