Family Food Magazine
real good family food
  • scissors
    May 6th, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialWhat A Catch, Mains

    Naked FishcakesFishcakes are a great way of introducing  little ones to seafood. Serve with a green salad for a healthy supper. But if you want something more filling, serve with chunky homemade chips and peas.

    Recipe and Image

    Naked Fishcakes

    Serving Size: 4


    • For the Crushed Potatoes:
    • 400g Baby New Potatoes
    • Sea Salt
    • For the Smoked Haddock:
    • 300g Natural Smoked Haddock skinless & boneless
    • Whole Milk
    • Sea Salt
    • For the Cheesy Leek Sauce:
    • 100g Whipping Cream
    • 100g Reserved Milk from Poaching the Haddock
    • 50g Parmesan Cheese Grated
    • 100g Mature Cheddar Cheese
    • 100g Full Fat Soft Cheese
    • 225g Diced Leeks
    • 10g Butter
    • Dijon Mustard
    • Sea Salt
    • Cracked Black Pepper


    1. Cut the potatoes so they are all even sizes and cook with the salt and water , drain and while still warm lightly crush with a hand held Potato Masher or fork.
    2. Heat a large non stick pan with the whole milk & sea salt, add the fillets of Haddock and gently poach on a medium heat for 7 minutes, remove from the milk and reserve.
    3. Add the butter to a pre heated sauce pan and sauté the leeks for 4 minutes until soft and without colour, add the cream and milk and reduce by half, add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly, heat until all the cheese has melted and you have a thick sauce consistency.
    4. Combine all the ingredients and form 8 fishcakes, shape them into round discs approx 1 inch thick 3 inches diameter, lightly dust in plain flour and sear in hot olive oil in a non stick pan until golden brown, gently turn the cakes and brown on the other side also.
    5. For grown up tastes, why not serve with a gravlax sauce? You will need 100g Sweet Mustard, 25g Dijon Mustard, 25g Dill (chopped), 25g Clear Liquid Honey, 100g Rapeseed Oil, 75g Mayonnaise and 25g Cognac. Simply mix all the ingredients together adding the Oil & Cognac last.

  • scissors
    May 6th, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialWhat A Catch, Mains

    Perfect Fish PieA luxuriously creamy mixed seafood pie. Try adding egg yolks to your mash to create a luxurious texture and give a lovely brown crust.

    Recipe and Image

    Perfect Fish Pie

    Serving Size: 4


    • 1 pack of Perfect Catch Seafood Medley
    • A selection of fish 60–70g per person
    • (choose from cod, haddock, salmon, hake)
    • 2 eggs, hard boiled & finely chopped
    • 2 eggs, separate yolk from white
    • 200g/7oz frozen peas
    • 800g/1lb 12oz potatoes
    • 225ml/8 fl oz double cream
    • 1 bag of spinach (washed)
    • 150g/5oz grated Cheddar cheese
    • 1 fish stock cube in 225ml/8fl oz water


    1. Boil potatoes until tender. Hard boil 2 eggs and finely chop
    2. In an ovenproof dish place the Seafood Medley and the selection of fish cut into chunks. Add frozen peas and finely chopped hard–boiled eggs, and top with spinach.
    3. Mix fish stock cube with 225ml/8fl oz water and bring to the boil. Stir in double cream and pour over the fish & veg mixture. Sprinkle on half the Cheddar cheese.
    4. Finely mash potatoes and add 2 egg yolks. Fork the mash over the mixture and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Put in a very hot oven 220C/425F/Gas 7 for 20-25 minutes (cooking times may vary depending on appliance).

  • scissors
    April 2nd, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialEggstra Sweet, Sweets

    Hot Cross Bun Pudding Simply irresistible, sweetly spiced buns nestled in creamy custard!

    Image and Recipe Rachel’s Organic (

    Hot Cross Bun Pudding

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 30 minutes

    Total Time: 4 minutes


    • 4 hot cross buns
    • 15g unsalted butter
    • 320ml double cream
    • 100ml whole milk
    • 2 eggs & 1 egg yolk
    • 100g Rachel’s Greek Style Natural Bio Live Yogurt
    • 1 tsp demerara sugar


    1. Pre-heat the oven to 160°C/Gas 3 and grease a 1 litre ovenproof dish.
    2. Cut the hot cross buns in half and spread with butter both sides. Arrange the buns in an ovenproof dish layering the cross sides face up on top.
    3. In a small pan add the cream and milk and heat until just warm.
    4. In a small bowl add the eggs and egg yolk, pour over the heated cream and milk and whisk thoroughly. Add the yogurt, whisk again.
    5. Pour the mixture over the buns a little at a time, ensuring it has time to soak in.
    6. Sprinkle the pudding with demerara sugar and place on a baking sheet.
    7. Bake for approx 30 minutes the resulting pudding should be puffed up, set and golden brown. Try serving with custard or cream.

  • scissors
    April 2nd, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialEggstra Sweet, Sweets

    Vanilla Easter Cup CakesSimple cup cakes, decorated with a delicious swirl of butter icing and decorated with chocolate mini eggs.

    Image and Recipe Rachel’s Organic (

    Vanilla Easter Cup Cakes

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 25 minutes

    Yield: 12


    • 220g butter or margarine, room temperature
    • 220g caster sugar
    • 2 large eggs, beaten
    • 220g self raising flour, sifted
    • 2 tbsp Rachel’s low fat vanilla yogurt
    • For the icing:
    • 80g unsalted butter, room temperature
    • 250g icing sugar
    • 25g Rachel’s low fat vanilla yogurt


    1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 5.
    2. Line a cup cake or muffin tray with paper cases.
    3. Beat together the butter and caster sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs a little at a time.
    4. Fold in the flour and yogurt.
    5. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases until half full.
    6. Bake in the oven until golden brown and springy to touch or test using a skewer, if it comes away clean the cakes are ready. Leave them to cool on a wire rack.
    7. Meanwhile prepare the icing. Begin by beating the butter and icing sugar until pale and well mixed, ideally using an electric mixer. Add the yogurt and continue to beat on medium to high speed until the icing is fluffy. The longer you beat the lighter the icing.
    8. Spoon the icing into a piping bag fitted with a star piping nozzle. In a circular motion swirl the icing around each cake.
    9. Decorate with mini eggs.

  • scissors
    April 1st, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialCooking with Cranberries, Sweets

    Chocolate Cranberry Truffles Truffles are so easy to make. Why not whip up a batch to give as a lovely homemade gift – or just be naughty and save them for yourself!

    Recipe and Image Ocean Spray (

    Chocolate Cranberry Truffles

    Yield: 30 truffles


    • 225g dark chocolate
    • 75g Ocean Spray Wholeberry or Smooth cranberry sauce
    • 2 tablespoons double cream
    • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
    • 1 1/2 tablespoons icing sugar


    1. Place chocolate, cranberry sauce and double cream in saucepan. Cook over a low heat until the sauce is smooth, whisking frequently.
    2. Remove from the heat and pour into a glass bowl. Cover with cling film and leave overnight to cool and thicken.
    3. Combine cocoa and icing sugar on a small plate. Scoop out a rounded teaspoonful of the chocolate mixture. Roll in cocoa, coating thoroughly. Dust hands with powdered sugar. Roll truffle in hands to form a 1-inch ball. Continue forming truffles with remaining chocolate mixture.

  • scissors
    April 1st, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialCooking with Cranberries, Sweets

    Cranberry Hot Cross Buns A twist on the traditional favourite. Serve warm with butter and jam for an Easter treat.

    Recipe and Image Ocean Spray (

    Cranberry Hot Cross Buns

    Yield: 12


    • 2 oz/50 g caster sugar (plus 1 level teaspoon to ‘feed’ the yeast)
    • 1 tbsp dried yeast
    • 1 lb/450 g plain flour
    • Pinch of salt
    • Pinch of ground mixed spice
    • 2 oz/50 g currants
    • 2 oz/50 g cut mixed peel
    • 2 oz/50g Craisins (sweetened dried cranberries)
    • 1½ fl oz/40 ml warmed milk
    • 1 egg, beaten
    • 2 oz/50 g butter, melted
    • For the glaze:
    • 2 tbsp granulated sugar


    1. Stir a teaspoon of caster sugar into 5 fl oz/150 ml of hand-hot water, then sprinkle in the dried yeast. Leave until a frothy head forms.
    2. In the meantime, sift the flour, salt and mixed spice into a bowl, add the remaining caster sugar, the currants, mixed peel and Craisins. Make a well in the centre and pour in the yeast mixture, the warm milk, beaten egg and melted butter. Mix to a dough (adding a touch more milk if needed).
    3. Knead the dough until it feels smooth, and leave it to rise in a warm place (it will take about an hour to double in size). Then knead the dough again, until it returns to its original size.
    4. Divide the mixture into 12 rounds and place on a greased baking sheet – leaving plenty of room on the tray for the buns to expand. Make a deep cross on each bun with a sharp knife. Leave them to rise again for about half an hour. Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7, 425°F, 220°C.
    5. Bake the buns for 15 minutes. While they're cooking, melt the sugar and 2 tablespoons of water for the glaze over a gentle heat and brush the buns as soon as they come out of the oven.

  • scissors
    April 1st, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialCooking with Cranberries, Sweets

    Cranberry and Madeira Pudding This dessert makes a good centrepeice and there will be no lack of wow factor when you cut into it to reveal the fruity filling.

    Recipe and Image Ocean Spray (

    Cranberry and Madeira Pudding

    Prep Time: 20 minutes

    Serving Size: 6


    • 1 large all butter Madeira cake (about 400g/14oz)
    • 175g/6oz whole strawberries, hulled
    • 150g/5oz fresh raspberries
    • 3 small whole figs
    • 125g/4oz blueberries
    • 250g jar Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce (190g required for recipe)
    • 135g packet lemon jelly
    • 150ml/1/4pint double cream
    • extra fruit and fresh mint sprigs to serve


    1. Line a 1.3 litre/21/4pint pudding basin with clingfilm. Cut the Madeira cake into 11 thin slices and use 9 to line the base and sides of the basin overlapping the slices slightly. Trim the edges of the cake to fit and reserve trimmings.
    2. Mix the fruit together with the Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce and then pack tightly into the cake lined pudding basin. Make up the packet jelly using 150ml/1/4pint boiling water and stir until dissolved. Pour in the double cream and stir well. Pour over the fruit to cover, allowing the mixture to settle slightly before pouring over the remaining jelly mixture. Arrange the remaining Madeira cake over the top of the fruit to cover using any trimmings to help. Chill for at least 2 hours or overnight if you have time until just set.
    3. Turn out onto a plate just before serving and remove the clingfilm. Decorate with more fresh fruits and mint sprigs. Serve in wedges with extra thick double cream.

  • scissors
    April 1st, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialCooking with Cranberries, Sweets

    Cranberry and Lemon Baked Cheesecake One of the great things about cheesecake is that you can make it in advance. Serve with a few fresh berries and a splash of cream.

    Recipe and Image Ocean Spray (

    Cranberry and Lemon Baked Cheesecake

    Prep Time: 30 minutes

    Cook Time: 1 hour

    Serving Size: 8


    • For the base
    • 175g/6oz digestive biscuits, crushed
    • 75g/3oz butter, melted
    • For the filling
    • 250g jar Ocean Spray Wholeberry cranberry sauce
    • 2 tsp vanilla essence
    • 150ml/1/4pint soured cream
    • 450g/1lb full fat cream cheese
    • 3 eggs (medium), beaten
    • 100g/4oz butter, melted
    • 3 un-waxed lemons, finely grated rind and juice
    • 150g/5oz caster sugar
    • 25g/1oz plain flour
    • Icing sugar to serve


    1. Line the base and sides of a 9in/23cm round, loose bottomed springform cake tin with non stick baking parchment. Mix together the crushed digestive biscuits and melted butter and press firmly into the base of the tin. Chill until ready to use. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180*C/Fan oven 160*C/Gas Mark 4.
    2. Beat the vanilla essence, soured cream, cream cheese, eggs, butter, lemon rind and juice, sugar and flour together until thick and creamy and pour over the biscuit base.
    3. Stir the Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce with a fork to loosen and then spoon randomly over the cheesecake mixture - swirl with the fork prongs to create a marbled effect and bake for 1 hour until the middle of the cheesecake is just firm to the touch. Turn off the oven and allow to cool completely. (Cooling the cheesecake in the oven will help prevent it from cracking)
    4. Remove the cheesecake from the tin, discard the lining paper and transfer to a serving plate. Serve dusted with icing sugar if liked.

  • scissors
    April 1st, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialMains, Cooking with Cranberries

    Seared Duck Breasts with Cranberry and Chilli SalsaNot a great dish if you’re on a diet – but fantastic for an indulgent treat on that special occasion.

    Recipe and Image Ocean Spray (

    Seared Duck Breasts with Cranberry and Chilli Salsa


    • 4 duck breast fillets, skin scored
    • 200g bag baby spinach leaves
    • For the salsa
    • 50g Craisins (dried cranberries)
    • 1 small red onion, finely sliced
    • 4tbsp balsamic vinegar
    • 1 -2 red chillies, finely chopped
    • 1 tsp whole grain mustard
    • 1tbsp finely chopped parsley
    • Salt and pepper
    • To serve
    • Boiled new potatoes
    • Seared asparagus tips


    1. Heat a ridged griddle pan and sear the duck for 15 minutes, turning once.
    2. Meanwhile, finely chop the Craisins (dried cranberries) and place them in a bowl with the onions, vinegar, chilli, mustard and parsley. Stir well and season with salt and pepper.
    3. Heat the spinach leaves in a saucepan until just wilted.
    4. Remove the duck from the pan and cut into small pieces. Divide the spinach between four plates and top with the duck and a good spoonful of the salsa.
    5. Serve with the boiled potatoes and seared asparagus.

  • scissors
    April 1st, 2012Family Food Magazine EditorialMains, Cooking with Cranberries

    Cranberry and Ricotta Stuffed Chicken Serve with a selection of roasted veg. Simply toss chunks of red, orange and yellow peppers with olive oil, salt and pepper and asparagus spears and roast alongside the chicken until just beginning to char.

    Recipe and Image Ocean Spray (

    Cranberry and Ricotta Stuffed Chicken

    Prep Time: 25 minutes

    Cook Time: 35 minutes

    Serving Size: 4


    • 175g/6oz ricotta cheese
    • 1 tbsp fresh chopped thyme leaves
    • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
    • 125g/4oz luxury fruit and nut selection, roughly chopped
    • 3 tbsp Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce
    • 4 skinless chicken breasts
    • 16 rashers un-smoked streaky bacon
    • 2 tbsp runny honey


    1. Mix together the ricotta cheese, thyme, garlic, fruit and nut selection and Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
    2. Place a chicken breast on one half of a piece of clingfilm, fold over the clingfilm to cover the meat and bash with a rolling pin to flatten. Repeat with the remaining chicken. Preheat the oven to 200*C/fan oven 180*C/Gas mark 6.
    3. Lay four rashers of streaky bacon side by side on a piece of clingfilm and cover with the chicken breast. Place a spoonful of filling into the centre. Fold in the two edges and then roll up to enclose the filling. Wrap tightly in foil and place on a baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining bacon, chicken and filling to give four parcels. Cook for 25 minutes.
    4. Remove the chicken from the foil and place back on the baking sheet, drizzle with honey and return to the oven for 10 minutes until browned. Serve sliced with roasted vegetables.

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