Family Food Magazine
real good family food
  • Fresh ‘n’ Festive

    Pink Lady Apple and Mincemeat TartsEver get bored of serving up the same old seasonal dishes at Christmas? Then why not try this round up of fresh festive serving suggestions. Using firm seasonal favourites like Brussels sprouts and hazelnuts, this round up of original festive recipe ideas are guaranteed to impress guests. And should there be any food left over, we’ve also included a few ‘love your leftovers’ suggestions ideal for turkey, sprouts and spuds.

    Xanthe Clay’s Beetroot-Stained Smoked Salmon with Beetroot and Walnuts

    Xanthe Clay’s Beetroot-Stained Smoked Salmon with Beetroot and Walnuts

    A light but indulgent starter that will excite your guests.

    Tenderstem with Hazelnut and Orange Butter

    Tenderstem with Hazelnut and Orange Butter

    A delicious accompaniment to Christmas dinner that will go particularly well with roast duck.

    Jo Pratt’s Tenderstem, Chantenay Carot and Brussel Salute

    Jo Pratt’s Tenderstem, Chantenay Carot and Brussel Salute

    “I’m always trying to think of new ways to serve vegetable accompaniments with a big roast that are easy to prepare and don’t create lots of washing up. This recipe fits the bill perfectly as you have three tasty veggies all cooked together in one (easy to wash up) pan. The additional flavours of sage and orange make this an ideal dish to serve with your Christmas dinner. You could add some finely sliced cooked chestnuts to the sauté towards the end of the cooking time for an even bigger festive flavour”. Jo Pratt

    Shallot and Sprout Bubble and Squeak Cakes

    Shallot and Sprout Bubble and Squeak Cakes

    This is a fantastic way to use up those leftovers and kids will love them.

    Japanese Style Radish and Rare Beef Roll-Ups

    Japanese Style Radish and Rare Beef Roll-Ups

    Resting the beef in the freezer means that it becomes firm and is easier to slice thinly. If you haven’t got wasabi paste substitute horseradish sauce instead.

    Diana Henry’s Tenderstem Nasi Goreng

    Diana Henry's Tenderstem Nasi Goreng

    “This is one of my children’s favourite recipes and can be adapted to suit what you already have in the house (I don’t always put in prawns, for example, and sometimes I make it with leftover pork). Tenderstem® broccoli is great for this kind of dish because it cooks quickly and provides great colour.” Diana Henry

    Creamed Brussels Sprouts with Nutmeg

    Creamed Brussels Sprouts with Nutmeg

    You can also add some diced crisp bacon to this recipe if you like and any leftover brussels sprouts can be used in bubble and squeak the next day.

    Brussels Sprouts and Chopin Potato Croquettes

    Brussels Sprouts and Chopin Potato Croquettes

    You can serve this as a starter or as a side dish. Leave the dip chunky or, for kids, blend it smooth.

    Brussel Sprouts with Hazelnuts, Potatoes and Ham, served on Sourdough Toasted Bread

    Brussel Sprouts with Hazelnuts, Potatoes and Ham, served on Sourdough Toasted Bread

    Brussel sprouts are really delicious if boiled only until just soft, and added to salty ingredients, like ham, as well as crunchy ingredients like pine nuts. Served on top of toast, they make a wonderful light starter. Sourdough breads make great toast, as they have really good crusts and a deep flavour.

    Beetroot, Raisin and Stem Ginger Pudding

    Beetroot, Raisin and Stem Ginger Pudding

    A lighter alternative to Christmas pudding. Just serve with custard.